Ispectrum app

A flexible technological solution that simplifies, normalizes, and automates the monitoring of the radio spectrum, focused on terrestrial services.

Normalize - automate - flexible


- Available for any type of receiving equipment. - It is multi brand for different computers, devices and receivers, both high-end and low-cost. - Enables different manual processes to be automated, such as alarms, notifications, recordings, automatic calibration. - Complies with ITU recommendations. - It has a flexible client-server architecture. - Records I/Q, spectrum and audio. - It is Interoperable with different systems or databases. - It is adaptable to any business model. - Allows the integration of new and existing infrastructures, with the possibility of adding new capabilities through digital processing.


Remote Management for Monitoring Center

Connection Assistant

Realtime streaming for multiple spectrum analyzers

Automatic measurements - Infraction detection